Where are we located?

Inside Vitality OC

You can find One Spine Chiropractic & Sports Rehab conveniently nestled within the vibrant atmosphere of Vitality OC, a premier fitness center dedicated to holistic health and wellness. Located at the intersection of Imperial Highway and N Rose Drive, within the Imperial Plaza, our clinic is easily accessible and situated in a bustling area of activity.

Vitality OC provides an ideal setting for our practice, offering state-of-the-art facilities and a supportive environment that aligns perfectly with our commitment to promoting overall well-being. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast seeking rehabilitation or simply looking to enhance your physical health, our location within Vitality OC provides the resources and support you need to achieve your goals.

Feel free to reach out to our team if you need further assistance with directions or have any questions about our location. We look forward to welcoming you to One Spine Chiropractic & Sports Rehab, where we combine expertise with convenience to deliver exceptional care for all your chiropractic and sports rehabilitation needs.

1211 E. Imperial Hwy Placentia, CA 92870 Vitality OC

Do we accept insurance?

No, but we can provide superbills upon request.

At One Spine Chiropractic & Sports Rehab, we prioritize providing tailored and effective care to every patient who walks through our doors. While we understand the convenience that insurance coverage may offer, we have made the decision not to accept insurance.

Many insurance policies limit the number of visits or provide fixed payments per visit, regardless of the individualized treatments needed for each patient's condition. This can lead to compromised care and hinder our ability to deliver the comprehensive treatment plans that our patients deserve.

Our commitment is to offer personalized care that addresses the unique needs and goals of each individual. By not relying on insurance reimbursements, we can focus solely on crafting treatment plans that prioritize your well-being and deliver optimal results.

However, we understand that navigating insurance processes can be important for our patients. Therefore, we are happy to provide patients with superbills that can be submitted to their insurance for potential reimbursement. This way, you can still take advantage of any applicable benefits while receiving the exceptional care and attention to detail that defines our practice.

Rest assured, our team is dedicated to working with you to explore alternative payment options and ensure that access to quality chiropractic and sports rehabilitation services remains within reach.

If you have any further questions regarding payment, insurance alternatives, or superbills, please don't hesitate to reach out to our friendly staff. Your health and satisfaction are our top priorities at One Spine Chiropractic & Sports Rehab.

Do you offer any discounts?

Honoring Those Who Serve: Our Discount Offerings

Yes, we proudly extend a 10% discount to veterans and first responders as a token of our gratitude for their service and sacrifice. We understand the importance of supporting those who have dedicated their lives to protecting and serving others, and we are honored to show our appreciation through this discount.

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